Water Bowser

Designed for multipurpose situations

Water Bowser

is used to transport water across immense distances for all purposes including human consumption, irrigation, cleaning, sprinkling and fire services. Offering multiple solutions for all your water filling and water dispatching needs in a single product and with customized Operating Accessories water bowser can have infinite scope of working and water handling not only limited to water delivery only.

Product Specification

MEL WWB M 4×2 1.2 500 Ltrs
MEL WWB 25 4×2 5-7Tons 2000-2500 Ltrs
MEL WWB 45 4×2 8-9 Tons 4000-50000 Ltrs
MEL WWB 100 4×2 17-18 Tons 10,000 Ltrs
MEL WWB 180 6×4 25-28 Tons 18,000-20,0000 Ltrs